Friday, April 8, 2011

Promotion of Assistant in the grade of Section Officer of CSS on ad- hoc basis

F. No. 6/9/2010-CS-I(S)
Government of India
Ministry of Personne, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market. New Delhi-110003
Dated the 7th April, 2011


Subject:- Promotion of Assistant in the grade of Section Officer of CSS on ad- hoc basis — Extension thereof.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No. 6/9/2010-CS- I(S) dated 11.11.2010 on the captioned subject, wherein cadre authorities were allowed to continue the ad-hoc promotion in the grade of Section Officer upto 31.03 .2011.

   2. As the availability of regular Section Officers may take some more time, it has now been decided to extend the period of ad-hoc promotion in SO grade. beyond 31.3.2011 upto 30.06.2011 subject to the following conditions:-

     (I) The period of ad-hoc promotion would be upto 30.06.20 11 or till the regular Section Officers are made available, whichever is earlier.

     (II) The ad-hoc appointment shall not confer on the appointees any right to continue in the grade indefinitely or for inclusion in the Select List of Section Officers for regular appointment or to claim seniority in the Section Officers grade of CSS.

     (III) Ad-hoc appointment would continue till regular candidates in Section Officer Grade are available either through Seniority quota or Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE). In the event of the ad-hoc appointees not qualifying for regular appointment in either of these two categories, they shall be reverted to the Assistants’ Grade on availability of such regular officers from the date the regular Section Officers join duty in their respective cadre units allotted to them by this Department.

     (IV) No fresh ad-hoc promotion should be made in the grade of Section Officer.

(K. Suresh Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

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