Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tamil Nadu govt directs employers to declare holiday on polling day (April - 13)

Tamil Nadu Government on Tuesday directed employers in the state to grant their employees a day’s holiday with wages on April 13 to enable them vote in the Assembly elections.
”It is mandatory on the part of every employer in Tamil Nadu to grant a holiday with wages on April 13,” a Labour Department note here said.
Such a measure was mandatory as per the provisions of Section 135 B of Representation of People Act, 1951.
‘Therefore the employers of all the factories, shops, establishments, commercial establishments, catering establishments, plantations, beedi establishments and motor transport undertakings are required to grant holiday with wages on April 13 to all their employees,” it said.
This also applied to daily wage labourers and casual workers, it added

Source:indian express


Date: 5.04.2011

Public Holiday to employees to all Industrial, Commercial, Establishments and Shops for the General Election to be held on 13.04.2011.

The Election Commission of India has noticed 13.04.2011 as the day of poll for all the Tamil Nadu Assembley Constituencies.

Section 135B of the Representation of the people Act, 1951 requires that other person employed in any business, trade, Industrial undertaking or any other establishment should be granted holiday with wages in the day of poll. The Section further provides that no decution or abatement of the wages of any person shall be made on account of a holiday having been granted on the day of poll.

The Election commission in its letter No.78/2011/EPS dated:26.03.2011 has informed that the provisions of Section 135B require that the establishments and Shops shall be colsed on the day of poll in the constituency where a General Election is to be held. The Election Commission of India has further registered as an elctor, may be serving/ employed in an Industrial undertaking even those electors including casual workers working outsede the consitirency concerned would be entitled ot the benefirt oa a pod hokday extended uner Section 135b (1) of the representation of the People Act, 1951. Accroding to the Election Commission of India, daily wage/Casual workers are also ientitled for a holiday and wages on poll day as ptovided in Section 135 B of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.

in view of the provisions of Section 135 B of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and the letters of the Election commission of India referred above, it is mandatory of the part of every employer in Tamil Nadu to grant a holiday with wages on 13.04.2011 to all persons employed by them. Therefore, the employers of all the factories, shops, establishemnts, commercial establishments, catering establishments, industrial establishments, Plantations, beedi establishments and motor transport undertakings are required to grant holiday with wages on 13/04/2011 to all their employees including daily wage/casual workers.

for Principal Secretary/

Commissioner of Labour.

govt order

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