(A Government of lndia Enterprise)
(No.19 of 2010)
No 1-10/201O-PAT (B S N L)/encashment of EL
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
H. C. Mathur Lane, New Delhi-01
Dated, the 27-10-.2010
staff of BSNL (absorbed, directly recruited & un-absorbed employees) without deducting
the same from the maximum amount of Earned Leave encashable at the time of
The issue of encashment of Earned Leave while availing Leave Travelling Concession
(L'lC) for the BSNL employees without deducting the same from the maximum amount of Earned
Leave encashable at the time of retirement has been under consideration in this office.
2 The approval of the Board of Directors of BSNL is, hereby, conveyed for allowing
encashment of Earned Leave while availing Leave Travelling Concession for the employees
(absorbed, directly recruited & un-absorbed employees) without deducting the same from the
maximum amount of Earned Leave encashable at the time of retirement.
3. AII categories of employees working in BSNL may be allowed to encash upto ten days
earned leave at the time of availing LTC to the extent of 60 days during the entire career. The
leave encashed at the time of LTC will not be deducted from the overall accumulalion limit of
300 days encashable at the time of retirement.
4. ln cases, where both husband and wife are BSNL employees/government servants, the
present entitlement for availing LTC shall remain unchanged, and encashment of leave upto 10
days at the time of availing of LTC will continue to be available to both, subject
of sixty days each during the career.
5. This order is effective from 28th september, 2010. The encashment stated above is
admissible in all cases, where the outward journey is performed on or after 28-10-2010
6 There is no change in the other conditions for encashment of leave while availing LTC.
7.Hindi version will follow
(Sheo Snankar Prasad)
Assistant General Manager (Pers.V)
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