Saturday, February 26, 2011

Issues discussed at the National Anomaly Committee on 15.02.2011.

A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027
Tel: 011-2510 5324: Mobile: 98110 48303

Dated: 25.02.2011

Dear Comrade,

As indicated in our circular letter No.3, we give hereunder the
decisions taken on each of the items discussed at the National Anomaly
Committee meeting held on 15th Feb. 2011.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.

Item No.11.
The Staff side has agreed to specify the items of allowance which
requires to be given effect to from 1.1.2006.

Item No.12. & 13. Revision of Transport allowance:
The Staff side is to give a comparative statement indicating the rate
of Transport allowance given to various categories to substantiate
their demand for having a uniform rate for all Govt. officials.

Item No.14. Risk and Patient Care allowance to be doubled.
The Government will bring about the Insurance scheme in consultation
with the Staff Side within six months. If the scheme is not
implemented by that time, these allowances will be doubled.

Item No. 20.
Quantification of daily allowance in case not able to present the bill
The Department of Expenditure will examine the issue further in the
light of the discussion and will convey their final decision in the
next meeting.

Item No. 28.
Assigning grade pay in PB 3 for Accounts officers.
This will be discussed with the Staff Side separately.

Item No. 31.
Child Care leave:
Revised orders have been issued. The demand of the Staff Side that
the discretionary powers to grant or otherwise or restrict the number
of days presently given to the authorities must be dispensed with
will be discussed at the next meeting of the Committee.

Item No. 37.
Waiver of recovery of higher DA drawing between 1.1.2006 and
1.08.2008. Not agreed to.

Item No. 38 and 39.
Anomaly in fixation of Grade Pay and Pay Bands: will be further
discussed at the next meeting.

Item No. 40.
Grant of Notional increment for those who retire in June. Not accepted.

Item No.41.
Grant of promotional increment for those promoted in the same PB and
Grade Pay. The Official side stated that to decide whether the two
grades have distinct functions is the prerogative of the concerned
Ministry/Department. If they so decide, the promotional increment
would be granted. But in that case, the same will be treated as a
promotion and will count as such for the purpose of MACP.

Item No. 42. MACP issue.
The same will be discussed in the sub committee once again.

Item No.43. Anomaly in HAG scale of pay:
Not discussed being a Group A issue. But the issue has been reported
to have been settled and orders issued.

Item No. 44. Anomaly in Library Information Assistant:
Will be further discussed at the next meeting

Item No. 45.
Anomaly in fixation of pension for those in receipt of stagnation increment/
In the light of the court judgment, the item will be discussed further
in the next meeting.

Item No. 46.& 49 & 51
Parity for Stenographers in the filed and Central Sectt.
The demand for grant of grade pay of Rs. 4600 for those in the pay
scale of 6500-10,500 has already been settled and orders issues. The
question of Grant of Grade pay of Rs. 5400 after completion of three
years for those in the pay scale of 7500-12000 will be examined if not
already extended.

Item No. 48. Restoration of commutation value of pension after 12 years.
Not agreed upon. The Staff side has asked for the basis on which the
demand has been rejected.

Item No. 50/
Disparity in the pay scale of official language staff.
The Staff side has agreed to provide a copy of the Court order in the matter.

Item No. 52 and 53. Andaman Nicobar Items:
The Official side will report in the next meeting of the development
on these issues.


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