Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
New Delhi, Dated the 13.01.2011


              All Heads of Postal Circle

Subject: - Counting of adhoc services rendered by Reserve Trained Pool (RTP) PAs/SAs                   for promotion.

            I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of letter No.P/1-1/AIC, dated 29.12.2010 addressed to Hon'ble MOS (C&IT) (K) by the General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C', New Delhi on the above subject.

2.         It may be stated that Department of Posts had introduced a scheme in the yea1983 to enable candidates from the Reserve Training Pool (RTP) of Postal Assistants (PAs)/Sorting Assistants (SAs) to opt for service in Army Postal Service (APS). After having been brought on the RTP, they were appointed for a short period as PA/SA on adhoc basis and then deputed to the APS. The RTP candidates deputed to APS were eligible to get the benefit of regular appointment in the Civil Post from the date their immediate junior was appointed on a regular basis in the Civil Post. RTP scheme has since been abolished w.e.f 04.03.86.

            Hon'ble Supreme Court in C.A. No. 5739 of 2005 in the case of UOI Vs. Shri. Mathivanan vide their judgment dated 09.06.2006 had held that adhoc service rendered in APS should be counted for the purpose of grant of financial upgradation under TBOP scheme. Keeping in view the Apex court's decision in M. Mathivanan's case and the fact that TBOP is not to be granted on the basis of seniority it was decided to extend the benefit of the Apex court's order to similarly placed serving officials vide Directorate's letter No. 93-25/2003-SPB-II dated 26.07.2010.

            The Service Association in their letter under reference has stated that existing regular PAs/SAs who were earlier retained in the RTP and appointed on ad-hoc basis in the Circles had approached Hon'ble CAT and their adhoc service has been counted as regular service for all purposes. Thus, they have demanded to extend the same benefit to similarly placed persons. In this connection, the circles are requested to furnish the following:
(a)   No. of officials retained by the Circle under RTP scheme and the after appointed as PA/SA on ad-hoc basis.

(b)   No. of such ad-hoc officials who were thereafter appointed as PA/SA on regularbasis and (i) retained in the Circles as such and (ii) deputed in APS.

(c)   Whether any of such PA/SA appointed after rendering ad-hoc service andregularized and retained in the Circle itself has approached Hon'ble CAT for regularization of their ad-hoc service?

(d)   If so, number of such PA/SA regularized may be intimated and

(e)    Copies of the Court's orders, CO order implementing these court orders along with letter number of Directorate under which approval has been obtained by the Circle for implementation of the Court's orders may be furnished to the Directorate.

Encl: As above
                                                                     Yours faithfully,
                                                                      (Suran Bhan)
                                                      Asstt. Director General (SPN


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  1. sir the later action no and no consideration, several time since 30 years i am making and placed my grievances on the issue even to the notices of president of india but no use
    no body is worrying we the postal /rms rtp pa/sa are having second citizen shop so far no union leader is working with go
    od heart on the issue
    murali a somayajulu
    postal assistant waltair rs ho visakhpatnam
    anhdra pradesh mobile 09290016534
    mail id; murali1000k@gmail.com

  2. In the salt dept( govt of india) 36 inspectors of salt were appointed on adhoc basis against regular vacancies and continued without break with all increamental benefits etc.Their services ranges from 8 to 12 years on adhoc before regularisation.macp benifits ignored for adhoc service though they are placed below the regular appointees
