Saturday, February 19, 2011

Recruitment Rules Group ‘C’ posts in Pay Band I with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800

AB 1401 7/6/2009-Estt(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi, the  17thFebruary,2011


Subject: Recruitment Rules Group ‘C’  posts in Pay Band I with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800 (pre-revised Group D posts).

Reference  is  invited to OM  of  even  number dated 30th Apri1,2010  circulating Model Recruitment Rules  for Group C posts in  Pb-1 with Grade Pay of Rs.1800.  In this Department’s OM dated  12th May,2010, Ministries/Departments  were  requested  to  intimate  their  requirements for non-technical Group ‘C’ posts  PB-1  Grade Pay  of  Rs1800  to  SSC immediately  so  that  Commission could initiate action  for  recruitment.  However, several  Ministries/Departments  are  yet  to notify the revised Recruitment Rules as per the Model Recruitment Rules circulated by  DOPT even though the vacancies  in Group C, PB-1  Grade Pay Rs.1800  have  been communicated by  them to the co9ncerned Regional Office of Staff Selection Commission.  In  view of the ensuing examination to  be  conducted  by  Staff  Selection Commission for the  Multi-Tasking  Staff, DOPT has issued  Umbrella Notification  No.AB 140 171612009-Estt(RR)  dated  gth February, 2011 for regulating the educational and other qualifications for direct recruits for  the posts which were  in  Group D scale prior to the implementation of  Sixth Central Pay Commission and have been placed in Group C in PB-1, GP Rs.1800.  The  Umbrella Notification  has been  circulated  to  all the Ministries/ Departments of Government  of India also.

2.  It is, however, reiterated that all the Ministries/Departments will initiate action on priority basis for revising the Recruitment Rules circulated by this Department.

(Smita Kumar)
Director (E. 1)

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  2. Sub: INJUSTICE;;-Refusad of Promotion for “Scheduled Tribe”- Reservation quota -in CGHS Chennai – No-reply even after several request made - Regarding

    Respected Sir,

    I am presently working as a Lab-Assistant; belong to Scheduled Tribe (ST), in CGHS, Anna Nagar, Chennai. So far, I have put in 19-years of Service in CGHS, but I have not been given with any Promotion in reservation for S.T till now. In this regard, I humbly bring to kind consideration the following few lines and favorable orders please.

    I was appointed initially as Lab-Assistant in Mumbai CGHS and served there for 15-years and later during 2009 I was transferred to Chennai CGHS on ‘Request Transfer’ and since then I have been working in the same post in Chennai.

    Now, I have come to know that these two vacant posts, one post is to be filled up by way of direct-recruit and other one by promotion. It seems that this is to be done by mere influence without exactly following the Reservation Procedure (particularly 7.5% -- for ST) and DOPT guidelines which is contrary to the Constitutional Provision.

    It is submitted to kind information that I have been in possession of required eligible qualification and experience to be promoted as Lab-Technician, I have been permanently observed to that post though I have been eligible to be consider .

    This clearly indicates that though I am having eligible qualification and experience to be promoted as Lab-Technician, just because I belong to ST-community, I have been intentional not considered for the Post for the past 19-years

    My junior Lab. Assistant lady staff working last 15 years, she got first ACP in 2010 and again now they given promotion and promoted as Lab. Technician in September 2013 ,with high recommendation from general association and canvassed Addl.Director and other officers hand in glow

    In Last 30 years in Chennai CGHS not filled The scheduled tribe vacancies post of Lab. Technician ,and now intensely selected “S.C “and not Qualified and unexperienced candidate through Direct recruitment, and continually filled 2 post for S.C from CGHS Chennai department candidate ,and violated promotion register and roster of reservation Quotas

    I have already written this many times to you, but no remedy was meted out to me to get justice and hence I am once again requesting to you to do justice. Otherwise, I will be left with no other option except to approach the legal form to get justice for me.

    Thanking you
