Tuesday, May 3, 2011

AIEEE re-test on May 11

Following the leak of the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) paper conducted by the CBSE over the weekend, the examination for those who could not appear for it has been scheduled for May 11.

A Human Resource Development Ministry spokesperson said: “The 32,000 students who could not take the AIEEE can appear for it on May 11. Professor Phalguni Gupta of Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur is heading a committee which will enquire into the leak and submit a report within four weeks.”

The leaked paper had resulted in widespread chaos for students across the country.

Source:the hindu

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  1. all students should be given a choice to reappear
    as many students were not able to focus on test because of much confusion after leak

  2. all students should be given chance to appear again in aieee 2011 otherwise the students who appear on 11 may may get privilege if the paper comes easy or may get wasted if the paper comes difficult which might not be a good idea

  3. yes all students should be given a chance to reappear for the test as most students were tired by waiting at the centres for 3 long hours in sun. CBSE should take AIEEE again by scrapping the 1st May test.

  4. It is not fair for those who didn't give test if test comes easier than 1100000 students will suffer.if paper comes typical than 35000 students will suffer. So paper must be taken for all again.

  5. everything should be fare.......everyone should write on 11th may

  6. every one should be given chance to appear on 11th may or it should for everyone

  7. cbse is just thinking that students who gave on 1 may will get second chance if they are allowed to appear on 11 may but not thinking about the advantages these students who r appearing on 11 may are getting over who appeared on 1 may in such horrible conditions..
