In the Departmental Council (JCM) Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Member
(Staff) at Rail Bhavan, New Delhi on 1st & 2nd July, 2010, the General Secretary, NFIR has
brought out the following in the opening address.
1. Issues relating to Anomalies discussed in the meetings and conclusions reached on 10th
June, 2010 at the highest level may be got cleared at the earliest.
2. CRC Agreement pertaining Station Masters and other Commercial categories – Orders
be issued without delay.
3. Revision of Allowances, more particularly Torch Cell Allowance, Special Allowance to
Gatemen, Shoe Allowance to Trackmen, By-cycle Allowance, ICU Allowance etc. may
be finalized and orders issued.
4. In the wake of Merger of Pre-revised Pay Scales and introduction of Pay Band & Grade
Pay concept, designations need to be revised and avenue of promotion be also reviewed
for modification. This be considered on priority.
5. Special care needs to be taken in the case of Cadres where single Grade Pay is existing
– ECG/ EEG Technicians, Legal Cadre etc., In the case of Legal Cadre, Manchanda
Committee Report be implemented.
6. Additional Allowances to Loco Pilots and Guards should be given effect from 1.1.2006
instead of from 1.9.2008.
7. In view of large number of vacancies continued unfilled, GDCE be conducted by the
Administration for filling D/R quota vacancies. This be done on top priority as the
situation in the field is alarming.
8. In the RE organization Diploma Holders are working. They were discriminated by placing
them in the lower pay scale. These staff may be absorbed as JE II against D/R/ quota
vacancies. Similarly placed staff were absorbed as JE II.
9. Large number of feeder posts (GP 1800) are vacant. Consequently system is suffering,
staff over burdened and staff resentment growing. Decision needs to be taken to engage
Substitutes and also re-engage former Substitutes/Casual labour..
10. Act Apprentices of NWR may be inducted in other Zones where there is heavy shortage
of staff. In this connection, Federation’s brief note to Adviser (IR) may be connected.
11. Creation of New posts for New Assets/Services should be ensured on priority.
12. On East Central Railway the Substitutes engaged with the approval of G.M. for security
patrolling after conducting physical test, medical examination, verification of School
Certificates were subsequently retrenched when it was decided to terminate the security
Patrolling. These former Substitutes (mostly wards of employees) may be re-inducted for
meeting the exigencies in the Railway in view of heavy shortage in ECR.
13. Prior consultations on proposed surrender of posts, shifting/ closure of activities should
be ensured by the Administration. Suitable guide lines be issued.
14. A separate Committee to look into all aspects of Service/Working conditions of
Trackman, Gateman & Keyman should be constituted without further delay.
15. Mobile Road Medical Services should be introduced as the trials conducted are proved
successful. This will facilitate Health Care to the staff and their families at their door step.
16. Revision of Income Tax exemption limit for Running Staff should be got expedited with
Ministry of Finance as this issue is pending for more than one year.
17. Transport Allowance to staff of Rayanapadu Workshops of S.C. Railway should be
allowed in view of peculiar condition. This issue was discussed by the Federations with
the Board in the past and required particulars were also given to the Board.
18. In the RCF, Kapurthala, selections for AWM, AMM, JE II & LDCE for Technician Gr. III
were conducted and subsequently cancelled. AFM Panel was drawn irregularly and
cancelled after 3-1/2 years. Ineligible candidate was empanelled and promoted to Group
‘B’ (Gazetted) and after 3-1/2 years he was reverted. In the process eligible candidate
lost the promotion benefit. A thorough investigation into all these irregularities needs to
be done for rectifying the systems.
19. In the Rail Wheel Factory Yelahanka, the revised Incentive Bonus rates were not given
effect from 1.6.2009. The rates were also not revised as per the table indicated in the
Board’s letter dated 29.10.2009. NFIR has already written to Railway Board in this
20. Retired staff in the Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- should be granted 2 sets of Post Retirement
Passes in a year.
21. Upgradation orders issued by the Railway Board on 30.11.2006 for the Physiotherapists
category have not been implemented by Northern Railway being a nodal railway,
consequently the eligible staff have been deprived of the benefit. This was pointed out by
NFIR and letters were also sent to Northern Railway as well as Railway Board. This
should be sorted out and benefit of promotion given to physiotherapists with
retrospective effect.
22. Supply of Wrist Watches to P.Way Mates, Keymen etc., although agreed to, but not
23. Revised classification for promotion vacancies – Railway Board’s orders dated 3.9.2009
& 7.6.2010 not made applicable to the staff of Railway Printing Presses, I.T. Cadre etc.
Due to this delay the staff are deprived of promotion since 2008. This should be
expedited and orders issued.
24. Upward .Revision of remuneration for Homeopathic/Ayurvadic Doctors is over due. It is
requested to take action for revising the emoluments. .
25. Counting of entire Temporary Status Casual Labour service as qualifying service :–
Agreement reached with the Federation in February, 2006 should be implemented by
pursuing the matter with DOPT once again, duly apprising the complexities of jobs
performed by the staff in maintaining Railway Tracks,. Bridges, assets for safe running of
26. Departmental Catering Staff on deemed deputation – Those who opt to Railway should
be redeployed as per their choice. Some Zones have already done accordingly.
27. Privilege Pass eligibility should be decided as proposed by the Federations without
further delay.
28. Introduction of Modified Safety Related Retirement Scheme should be expedited duly
covering all categories related to Safety in Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/-.

to staff, safety, productivity and reforms. Reports of the Committees be made available
to the Federations.
30. Budget Announcement of Hon’ble MR for providing “House for all” in ten years:- .
Federations be apprised of progress made. .
31. Kendriya Vidyalayas: – Proposal for establishing Central School at Nanded
(S.C.Railway) be expedited and sanction communicated.
32. Recognition for Balniketan School, DLW, Varanasi (Presently run by Women’s Welfare
Organisation) may be obtained soon, facilitating payment of children education
allowance to the students.
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